Fast and Easy Sports Pages!

Fast and easy sports Pages!

Sometimes you just need a fast and easy sports page. We have the answer!

Our new clear sports line comes on a clear transparent sheet. Each sheet contains a title, tag, qoute box and accent pieces! Just punch the pieces apart from the parent sheet...

Choose 1 pattern paper and 2 sheets each of the cardstock colors that match your favorite team.
Cut the pattern paper into a 3"x12" strip, then cut the large piece left into a 9"x9" square. Use one color of cardstock for your background and the other for accenting and photo mats. Place the pattern paper on the page as shown.

You can use the leftover pattern paper scraps to place BEHIND your clear piece. This gives you a custom unqiue title. Mat the title too for a great look. We recommend Vellum glue dots to adhere the clear pieces to your scrapbook pages!

You can add color to your pages by taking the clear pieces and placing pattern behind them. Just cut them out. How simple is that! Now you can journal on the pieces with a sharpie!

If you like more embellishments on your pages now you can add ribbons, brads or buttons!

It's simple, fast and fun!

(sorry no basketball available at this time)
The best way to shop for sports stuff on our site is to type the sports name in the search engine. You'll see all the sports items together!
Retailers, teachers and page kit folks...we wholesale this product. Order in 6's. Our order requirement is only $35.00!!
Keep Scrapbooking!
Julie Creek
Creek Bank Creations,Inc.

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